The One That Made Chapelle Go To Africa

Chappelle’s Show
Real Movies – Deep Impact
Buy Chappelle’s Show DVDs Black Comedy True Hollywood Story

Just as I was considering taking a break, the numbers are showing that inquiring minds want to know. In all honestly, its just me talking sh*t and keeping myself entertained, and I am humbled by the fact that others even choose to listen at times.

Anyhow, this one is from the archives, waiting for the right time to be released. Im sure most reading this can recall the whole Chapelle Show incident a few years back and the amount of controversy and intrigue about Dave Chapelles erratic behavior and subsequent cancelation of his show after a fickle attempt to host the Chapelle show, WITHOUT Dave Chapelle.

I am glad that he found a happy medium that allows him to still do what he loves, which is Stand Up, because, thats what it really requires to gain authentic respect.. TO STAND UP!

The politics behind the situation entail that while he had artistic and creative control over his production, what he lacked was EXECUTIVE CONTROL, which leads one to ponder on how valuable that really is. The popular name for a segment of media brass is NETWORK EXEC, and while having a Hit Show is a great thing yet having an outlet to reach the the masses with the show is a
NECESSARY THING, which is issued by a green light from studio or network executives.
Chapelle in my opinion was provoking people to think through
the funny bone method, and that isn’t necessarially the agenda of some who serve your entertainment needs, at least when it comes to certain satire that may actually enlighten you. Its a long story, but simply one that we see fit to continue, because the bottom line rule in showbiz is to
Give The People What They Want.

Owen Benjamin Quote On Michael Jackson


owen benjamin: when he was alive everyone attacked him, when he died everyone is mourning him. if the world was a person it would be manic depressive
Mood: (none)

Welcome Home.
As expected , as I was making my web rounds, a good majority of todays focus seems to be on The King Of Pimp.. I mean Pop, Michael Jackson.

When I stopped by myspace, I caught a glimpse of a status indicator that was different from what I have been hearing from everyone else, which is something that I can identify with as a writer of unique content. I have heard the guys name yet I really am behind on the  celeb curcuit news , so I decided to do my own research. I found my way to his official website, and interestingly enough, he has some web features that are on the EXACT subject that I was pondering on as I started my day. It was in regards to what I have been seeing plenty of publicity about, which is
Sasha Cohen as Bruno, and I believe the only thing that may have been important enough to override the adgenda of the so called
powers that be in the media world was the Michael Jackson events with a little Farrah Fawcett news mixed in for seasoning..

With that said, I will let the man ( Owen Benjamin) speak for himself, as I seem to have come across exactly what needs my attention so that I may share it with you. Also, be sure to check out his official site and myspace location to stay in the know and grow.

By Owen Benjamin

SEASON FINALE: Owen can’t take anymore! He rallies all the secret heteros in Gaytown and leads a STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE. Will he be accepted or another tragic funny foam victim?

Do You Remember The Time?- Repost From November 18, 2008

(Editors Note- Thursday, June 25, 2009)

Michael Jackson Is ALIVE & WELL.
He walked to The Moon and is awaiting your arrival!
See You @ The Top

(End Note)

Welcome Back To The Greatest Show In The Galaxy.
The numbers are showing that this “Thing We Do” has began to take on some form of a
Cult Like Interest and Following.
Not my intention, yet if its what the streets are calling for, then like Tom Hanks in the classic flick
Castaway, at the end of the day, the package MUST BE DELIVERED!!!

So today’s events are as follows.
First and foremost, there is some construction work being done on my street as I type this entry.
The street itself is actually a fairly decent one, similar to what you may see in the suburbs of ANYWHERE AMERICA.Yet if upgrades are being done, then I simply read it as a sign that things and Upgrading And Elevating around me, so its in my best interest to stay the course and UPGRADE/ELEVATE with it.

When I logged on today after my coffee was finished percolating, when I arrived at my homepage, which is my second or maybe third favorite web destination
the subject title stater for today is

Why do songs get stuck in my head?

It starts so innocently: You hum how you want your baby back baby back baby back ribs. Only eight hours later, it’s not so fun anymore. Why do certain tunes just get stuck in your brain?

As of press time, I have not read this article as i saw it before my daily morning stroll to 7-11 or Circle K.
for whatever reason, the song title which is the title of this post is the song that popped up for some mysterious reason.

This song, and even more with the video, has always inspired me and fascinated me in regards to someones ability to put such a thing together.
Its extremely futuristic even though the concept is based on things that supposedly transpired in ancient times.

I have to inform you, that while at most times I am hesitant to get real TWILIGHT ZONE with The Pimpin, out of a concern for loosing some of you, it seems that it is exactly turning out to be the opposite opinion more and more and the actual appeal of this publication , so, chalk up another victory for

Its probably all due to a concept that I have been pondering on for much of this year, and that is the concept known as TIME.
It came back to the forefront, because I saw a commercial on The History Channel about a show about
The Life of Albert Einstein which actually airs tonight.

Keeping it down to earth, the way my mind works, I always tend to be amazed by people who don’t really seem to have plans for the future which is another way of saying WITHOUT GOALS.

Its the opposite for myself, and makes me feel like a bit of a weirdo, but this is nothing new, yet being the logical person that I am, I always seem to believe that

if a person does not have plans for the future, then they don’t have plans for the future…meaning they are not all the way sure that they are going to be here.

Perhaps its the reason why so many people I encounter are afraid of CHANGE, causing them to stick to what they know, which is not evolving but rather digressing.

The video posted up above says a lot about plans for the future because its always going to fall on the shoulders of some person to umm… CREATE IT.

If I way to say that i think outside the box, it indicates that I am inside the box, trying to think outside, yet since the opposite is true for me, I will have to think INSIDE THE BOX, and ponder as to the reason why although Magic Johnson who is a childhood Icon of mine and many others, has a situation in life that causes him to appear not that much different from how he appears in the video above, even though he
Caught The Koodies and went public with the disease not long after the Remember The Time video was actually created.

Ill take a quick break before I close out this post, so you know the drill.


Well, two things pop up for me in regards to remembering the time.
I actuality, the place that I reside and am broadcasting this game from, is actually in the
Inland Empire area of Southern California, which is a desert region.

Also, I am in a Valley which is in a city and county at the side of a river (Riverside) similar to the footage which is in the video above.

Secondly, there are plenty of fun things to do here, including casinos that never close which are located within minutes , within the borders of Native American Tribal Lands and Nation States.Also one of the main popular attractions is an amusement park known as
Pharaohs Lost Kingdom

Which is a place that I enjoy going to and my sons and nephew seem to enjoy even more so.

With all of that said, Ill spare you all of the details which will allow you the opportunity to add your own at which point you feel that you want to become a part of the story.

For the young ladies, I look and see that the new popular thing to do is quote words of wisdom, so just as some would say things such as

“As It Is Above, So It Is Below”


“What The Mind Of Man Can Conceive, He Can Achieve,”

I will give you one of my own to grown on. by saying

Today’s Events, Are A Result Of Yesterday’s Future Plans

A video is posted below from earlier in the year, to give you some visual aids in regards to the possibilities,
which are Endless.

Is this what happens when I have TOO MUCH TIME ON MY HANDS???!!!
Teachers use to always say that I Used Time Unwisely on my report card.
Go Figure!
If you want to come and hang…JUST ASK-

On To The Next—->

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)


See Alice

Mel’s Diner?
I like how that guy thinks.
Just a kid that watched TOO MUCH T.V. in the 70’s & 80’s

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)


Written By

R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

Why Do Powerful Men Cheat? A Simple Explianation From RB


Just got finished viewing the Larry King Show on CNN, and of course the news for today is in rgeads to S. Carolina Governer  Mark Sanford’s  five day disappearance to Argentina to meet with his mistriss which he revealed to the world today. This news breaking days after it was announced that Nevada Senator “John” Ensign had an affair. The list of sex enthused politicians  is growing and this is becoming a pattern, so Larry King Had some expert pannelist on the show, and before the break after which he returned with the guest commentators, he asked the question which was the subject of todays show.

Why Do Powerful Men Cheat?

Immediately following the question, an advertisment came on that could not have come at a better time, as I beleieve it answers the question most effectively.

The reason that the S.C. governor and NV senator and others have beeninvolved in scandalous affairs was simply due to their need and desire to go and…….


Says so right there in the commericial that pays the
Larry King Show Advertising Fees.

Got it?
now back to our regularly scheduled programming!

16 Minutes Of Fame Updates – J.C. Enters The Picture

Welcome Home.
They say you should’nt count your chickens before they hatch.
I say you SHOULD count your eggs to see if you have 6 for a 1/2 dozen or 12 for a full one.

On that note,
we proudly introduce
Jennifer Childers,
Code name J.C. and the story is unfolding as you ponder on it.
For the record, we do things in an unorthodox way

with the intention of blazing trails as we travel along on the voyage to ******..

To Be Continued….
Stay Tuned.

Buzz Aldrin Rappin? Space Age Pimpin In A REAL WAY

I will admit, that I too often need a bit a validation to ensure that Im not as out of my mind as I sometimes am made out to be. Yet and still, it appears that I am just that, just not alone in it.

For those who.. well


Buzz Aldrin is the second man in the
currently known history of the world to actually have set foot and walked on the moon.

Let the record relfect that  things happen for a reason at the proper time and in due season.  This entry is just a testimonial.


All You Need Is The Rocket Experience.

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)


Written By

R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

Rihanna 101- Poor Momma Rich Momma

You know the story.
A few months back, Chris Brown and Rihanna got into a pre Grammy Awards Show physical altercation which led to assault charges being filed against Chris Brown in Los Angeles as well as a restraining order being issued to Brown, and a subsequent split of the duo. Rihanna suffered subsequent abuses from the altercation and public scrutiny regarding the way that she handled the events proceeding the altercation, as the experts and authorities on the subject tend to know more about what is best for the victim than the victim themselves. As of yesterday, June 22, 2009, when the world was finally about to hear Rihannas testimony, Chris Brown under the advice of his legal defense team, opted to accept a plea deal for a felony assault charge, and is scheduled to be sentenced to 180 days of community service and avoid any jail time, considered by most as a travesty of justice.
Rihanna as a victim still did not have the chance to tell her side of the story which millions of people were waiting to hear and sympathise with.
This part of the story is what we can call

Poor Rihanna.

Within weeks of the incident, Rihanna was back on the high life
Los Angeles scene with little or nothing to say about the whole incident, which many considered a crisis situation as if she was in denial about the whole ordeal as most victims are said to react as such. She and the rest of the world were waiting for the case to unfold in the courtroom where Rihanna was scheduled to testify against her estranged lover Chris Brown. Unfortunately she was not able to tell her side of the story regarding the horror that she experienced, and the perpetrator got off with a light sentence, free of any jail time. Somewhere in the process of time, Rihanna and her record label staff understood that Rihanna does in fact have a need to vent and express her feelings, and then they recalled that she was currently a multi platinum superstar who had a chart topping album as her last release, so she has quietly been in the studio and creative lab getting her stuff together for the GUARANTEED mutli platinum selling album that is schedueled for release soon hoping that you will be sure to purchase it and have a listen as  inquiring minds tend to want to know. This is the part of the story known as

Rich Rihanna

The Moral Of The Story.
Good Girl Gone Bad Part 2 = Poor Girl Gone Rich !

The pretty girl simply made a request that the music not be stopped, and it has been granted.
So, you know the rules…..
Once Again Its ON WITH THE SHOW!
Stay Tuned!

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)


Written By

R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

Bling Bling World Tour- Tuesday June 23, 2009 In Paris France


Starting off the week, Intergalactic Media Conglomeratti Style,
I just got word from one of my overseas affiliates that its
Big Pimpin In Paris.

The event is the
Bling Bling World Tour, and you are invited .
If you are not able to attend on such short notice, simply stay tuned for more, and keep your passport within reach.

Event Promoter and Music Provider, Allens Shug, has provided some images for you to get a more picture perfect idea of what you may have been missing.

Let Your New Life Begin, Call 1-800 Get Slim ?- Proof That White Peoples Game Is SICK!

Peep The Commercial, then read the manuscript.

This one here says something to me, so I in turn will say it to you.
For some reason, this commercial jingle seems to stick inside of my mind like a good ole fashioned ear worm. The commercial permanently discredits the idea that White People dont have adept verbal skills. Of course my mind thinks different, and you should be used to it by now, but none the less, Hip Hop lyrics are no match for soul stirring flows like these.
If Source Magazine was still around, I would call this the Hip Hop Quotable of The New Century.
Only In California.

As soon as I get a better understanding of the dynamics of why people tend to feel other than great about themselves, I can figure out how I am to proceed, but for dang certain, folks need HELP, I mean some SERIOUS help.

Let Your New Life Begin, Call 1-800 Get Slim!

Lord Have Mercy.


Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin