LIFE = WOMEN + MONEY – PH 2013 Closing Remarks And Resolutions By Rylan Branch



1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.
3. the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one’s life; a short life and a merry one.
4. a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life.
5. the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that.



noun, plural women [wim-in]
1. the female human being (distinguished from man ).
2. an adult female person.
3. a female attendant to a lady of rank.
4. a wife.
5. the nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness.



1. any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.
2. paper money.
3. gold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public authority and issued as a medium of exchange and measure of value.
4. any article or substance used as a medium of exchange, measure of wealth, or means of payment, as checks on demand deposit or cowrie.
5. a particular form or denomination of currency. See table under currency.


Moral of the story

Happy New Year And Good Health To You And Yours!

STANDING WITH WOMEN – President Obama And Organizing For Action 2014 Focus And Initiatives


OFA (Organizing For Action)


verb (used without object)
1. (of a person) to be in an upright position on the feet.
2. to rise to one’s feet (often followed by up ).
3. to have a specified height when in this position: a basketball player who stands six feet seven inches.
4. to stop or remain motionless or steady on the feet.
5. to take a position or place as indicated: to stand aside.




noun, plural women [wim-in]
1. the female human being (distinguished from man ).
2. an adult female person.
3. a female attendant to a lady of rank.
4. a wife.
5. the nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness.

Moral of the story

It is simple and easy.

If we are going into the Year of 2014 with a full working knowledge of the facts that have confirmed that The NSA and other agencies are spying on our online and phone communications as citizens, I Rylan Branch have simply decided to have them picture me and this organization as an asset to the cause that is an integral part of the solution, first and foremost by offering a different perspective to consider for those who may wish to choose to do the same and join the winning team!


To Good Health.
Rylan Branch
The Janitor Life Experience Magazine

CRAIGSLIST COMPANIONS – A Sneak Peak @NewWorldOrder 2014 PH Job Creation Initiatives



1. a person who is frequently in the company of, associates with, or accompanies another: my son and his two companions.
2. a person employed to accompany, assist, or live with another in the capacity of a helpful friend.
3. a mate or match for something: White wine is the usual companion of fish.
4. a handbook or guide: a bird watcher’s companion.
5. a member of the lowest rank in an order of knighthood or of a grade in an order.

Moral of the story

This Is A Test Of The Emergency Pimpcast System.

As the song by The Fixx states, “One Thing Leads To Another” and history has proven that in America, the land of opportunity, integral businesses that currently employ a significant amount of people have been created by individuals with the unique ability to visualize future business prospects and needs for products, and anticipate potential changes in legal and moral codes in a society, as is evident through the first legal recreational marijuana outlets that are set to open in the State of Colorado at the beginning of 2014 which is within less than 72 hours of the time of this article being published, always beginning with the consideration of American entrepreneurial spirited ideas and perspectives.


WHAT ARE YOU ABOUT? – Your Facebook “ABOUT” Section Is The Most Important Part Of Your Life Story


1. of; concerning; in regard to: instructions about the work; a book about the Civil War.
2. connected or associated with: There was an air of mystery about him.
3. near; close to: a man about my height; about six o’clock.
4. in or somewhere near: He is about the house.
5. on every side of; around: the railing about the excavation.

Know Comment.

PIMP The Story Of My Life, By Iceberg Slim – PH Pays Homage To Its Predecessors!



In this book I will take you, the reader, with me into the secret inner world of the pimp. I will lay bare my life and thoughts as a pimp. The account of my brutality and cunning as a pimp will fill many of you with revulsion, however, if one intelligent, valuable young man or woman can be saved from the destructive slime; then the displeasure I have given will have been outweighed by that individual’s use of his potential in a socially constructive manner.

I regret that it is impossible to recount to you all of my experiences as a pimp. Unfortunately, it would require the combined pages of a half-dozen books. Perhaps my remorse for my ghastly life will diminish to the degree that within this one book I have been allowed to purge myself. Perhaps one day I can win respect as a constructive human being. Most of all I wish to become a decent example for my children and for that wonderful woman in the grave, my mother.

© 1987 Iceberg Slim

Robert Beck, aka Iceberg Slim, with daughters Camille, 22, Melody, 19, and Misty Beck, 16.

Robert Beck, aka Iceberg Slim, with daughters Camille, 22, Melody, 19, and Misty Beck, 16.

Iceberg Slim

Robert Beck (August 4, 1918 – April 28, 1992), also known as Iceberg Slim, was a reformed pimp and American author of urban fiction.

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Moral of the story

It is simple and easy.

There is a popular idea that yours truly as the author of this post has heard throughout my life, which is that life itself is a bitch, to which my response is always that it is the exact reason why God invented Pimps, in order to keep it/her moving in the right direction.

From one perspective, the book entitled PIMP The Story Of My Life, by Iceberg Slim, could be seen and understood as a story about a man that wrote a story about his life as a Pimp, and from yet another different perspective to consider, it could be seen and understood as a story about a man and his decision to PIMP the story of his life.

YOUR LIKABLE QUALITIES – List Five Things That You Sincerely Like About Yourself In 2013

Likable Quality #1 = “I keep it 100 with me!” -Rylan Branch Friday December 27, 2013

Likable Quality #1 = “I keep it 100 with me!” -Rylan Branch Friday December 27, 2013


noun, plural qual·i·ties.
1. an essential or distinctive characteristic, property, or attribute: the chemical qualities of alcohol.
2. character or nature, as belonging to or distinguishing a thing: the quality of a sound.
3. character with respect to fineness, or grade of excellence: food of poor quality; silks of fine quality.
4. high grade; superiority; excellence: wood grain of quality.
5. a personality or character trait: kindness is one of her many good qualities.

Likable Quality #2 - ""My ability to attract liable like-minded friends with benefits" - Rylan Branch December 27, 2013

Likable Quality #2 – “”My ability to attract likable like-minded friends with benefits” – Rylan Branch December 27, 2013

5 Likable Qualities Of Rylan Branch – Friday December 27, 2013

1. My ability to keep it “100” with myself.

2. My ability to attract likable like-minded friends with benefits.

3. My ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

4. My ability to sincerely note my own likable qualities and those of others.

5. My ability to (____________) fill in my own blanks.


A forward thinking/moving perspective to consider.



YONCE @WALMART – In Which Class Category Do You Think She “Bey-Longs”?

The best investment is the investment in self. Proof = Beyonce investing in a SELF titled Beyonce CD @Walmart! December 2013

The best investment is the investment in self. Proof = Beyonce investing in a SELF titled Beyonce CD @Walmart! December 2013

Social Class

Social class (or simply “class”), as in a class society, is a set of concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories, the most common being the upper, middle, and lower classes.

Class is an essential object of analysis for sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, and social historians. However, there is not a consensus on the best definition of the term “class”, and the term has different contextual meanings. In common parlance, the term “social class” is usually synonymous with “socio-economic class,” defined as “people having the same social, economic, or educational status,” e.g., “the working class”; “an emerging professional class.” The precise measurements of what determines social class in society has varied over time. According to philosopher Karl Marx, ‘class’ is determined entirely by one’s relationship to the means of production, the classes in modern capitalist society being the “proletarians”: those who work but do not own the means of production, and the “bourgeoisie”: those who invest and live off of the surplus generated by the former.

The term “class” is etymologically derived from the Latin classis, which was used by census takers to categorize citizens by wealth, in order to determine military service obligations.

In the late 18th century, the term “class” began to replace classifications such as estates, rank, and orders as the primary means of organizing society into hierarchical divisions. This corresponded to a general decrease in significance ascribed to hereditary characteristics, and increase in the significance of wealth and income as indicators of position in the social hierarchy.

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Moral of the story

We can first look at the story by reflecting on the black doll-white doll experiment, when the social scientists concluded that the majority of the black children in the study found the white dolls to be the more socially valuable and visually pleasing doll out of the two.

Moorish Science Temple of America

Practices and beliefs

Beyonce ‘Yonce’ from Forever on Vimeo.

They added the suffixes Ali, Bey or El to their surnames, to signify Moorish heritage as well as their taking on the new life as Moorish Americans. It was also a way to claim and proclaim a new identity other than that lost to slavery of their ancestors in the United States. Thus a Moor could accept that his African tribal name may never be known to him/her, and that the European names they were given were not theirs, either.


Judging from the Yonce video from the self titled Beyonce visual album that was released this month with revolutionary record breaking sales, this simple change in perspective for our consideration as provided by Bey may show itself as a solution and effective remedy for a lingering social ill and a cause that is way greater than just entertainment and pop music.

SIN – The Dictionary Definition Of The Term


1. transgression of divine law: the sin of Adam.
2. any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.
3. any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse, etc.; great fault or offense: It’s a sin to waste time.
verb (used without object), sinned, sin·ning.
4. to commit a sinful act.
5. to offend against a principle, standard, etc.


Divine Law

Divine law is any law that comes directly from the will of God, in contrast to man-made law. Like natural law (which may be seen as a manifestation of divine law) it is independent of the will of man, who cannot change it. However it may be revealed or not, so it may change in human perception in time through new revelation. Divine law is commonly equated with eternal law, meaning that if God is infinite, then his law must also be infinite and eternal.

In Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on Law, divine law, as opposed to natural law, comes only from revelation or scripture, hence biblical law, and is necessary for human salvation. According to Aquinas, divine law must not be confused with natural law. Divine law is mainly and mostly natural law, but it can also be positive law.

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Moral of the story

With all of the current discussion, heated debate, and “expert analysis” regarding agreements and disagreements about what is and is not to be classified as a sinful act, no one has as of yet taken the action of offering the dictionary definition of the term and concept known as sin so that any individual can then become an official expert on the matter by knowing how the term is officially defined by The Oxford Dictionary, the most trusted dictionary of the English Language, at least until now, because it is as listed above as yet another different and “in the know” perspective to consider.

CAN YOU SAY EXOTIC? – Sasha Boss Demonstrates How To Have Success In The Modeling Industry!!

"Can you say exotic?" -Sasha Boss

“Can you say exotic?” -Sasha Boss


Sasha Boss



1. of foreign origin or character; not native; introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized or acclimatized: exotic foods; exotic plants.
2. strikingly unusual or strange in effect or appearance: an exotic hairstyle.
3. of a uniquely new or experimental nature: exotic weapons.
4. of, pertaining to, or involving stripteasing: the exotic clubs where strippers are featured.

"Glamour for sure" --Sasha Boss

“Glamour for sure” –Sasha Boss


1. the quality of fascinating, alluring, or attracting, especially by a combination of charm and good looks.
2. excitement, adventure, and unusual activity: the glamour of being an explorer.
3. magic or enchantment; spell; witchery.

Photography Credits: Michael Miller Photography

Moral of the story

Question: Although there are millions of young women doing the “modeling thing” on the Internet these days, can any of them expect to have any real success and earn a living in the process of doing what it is that they enjoy?


1. a standard or example for imitation or comparison.
2. a representation, generally in miniature, to show the construction or appearance of something.
3. an image in clay, wax, or the like, to be reproduced in more durable material.
4. a person or thing that serves as a subject for an artist, sculptor, writer, etc.
5. a person whose profession is posing for artists or photographer.


Answer: The answer is most certainly YES, IF….. she is willing and able to add value to a product and provide a service of attracting attention to a worthy product or idea, and in this particular case, Sasha is providing us with a valuable educational experience by demonstrating exactly what is required to have success in the modeling industry as she is modeling the ideas of success, exoticism, and glamour by setting a standard and example, which is exactly how the dictionary defines the term model as listed above this paragraph!


Got it?
Good, now on with the show!


A success driven perspective to consider.


HEAD FOR THE HEELS!! – A San Francisco Story About The “HEELING ARTS” Starring Lace Byrd

"One of my favorite heels! " -  Lace Byrd 22 hours ago via Mobile

“One of my favorite heels! ” – Lace Byrd
22 hours ago via Mobile

Lace Byrd

  Followed by 9,084 people

Faith Healing

Faith healing is healing purportedly through spiritual means. Believers assert that the healing of a person can be brought about by religious faith through prayer and/or rituals that, according to adherents, stimulate a divine presence and power toward healing disease and disability. Belief in divine intervention in illness or healing is related to religious belief. In common usage, faith healing refers to notably overt and ritualistic practices of communal prayer and gestures (such as laying on of hands) that are claimed to solicit divine intervention in initiating spiritual and literal healing.

Claims that prayer, divine intervention, or the ministrations of an individual healer can cure illness have been popular throughout history. Miraculous recoveries have been attributed to many techniques commonly lumped together as “faith healing”. It can involve prayer, a visit to a religious shrine, or simply a strong belief in a supreme being.

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"Fushia!" - Lace Byrd15 December via Mobile

“Fushia!” – Lace Byrd
15 December via Mobile

Moral of the story


Occupations and industries related to healthcare are projected to add
the most new jobs between 2012 and 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) reported today. Total employment is projected to increase
10.8 percent, or 15.6 million, during the decade.

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It is simple, and easy, which is the exact opposite of complicated and full of dis-ease, both of which are valid indicators of poor health status..

We can classify this entry as yet another effective job creation program, as health is often classified as wealth along with an increasing demand for skilled workers in health/wealth care industry, and Lace and her therapeutic character traits have attracted a following of 9,084 souls and counting, which makes our job easier by simply having us set the proper framework to ensure that she continues to lead in the right direction, which is in the direction of health, wealth, and good living.

It is also what we can consider as an Obamacare upgrade, as we are adding the element of faith into the script, and insurance itself as well as its industry is technically known as a good faith agreement.

Got it?
Good, now on with the show.