How To Move Forward – A Video Demonsrtation By Rylan Branch

You Cant Have Your Cake & Eat It Too, Yet When You're Ready To Choose Either, Holler @ Me, I Got You!

Well, truth R.B. told, it is the last day of the month of March 2011 and a day that happens to be with a noon temperature of 85 degrees, so I am going to go easy on myself today by cutting class and heading outdoors for the long awaited Spring season as a follow up to a very wet one for the Winter.

This month has been progressive as with the year of 2011 thus far, regardless of what appears to be taking place across the globe which is change, for better or worse depending on each, and I have been conducting thorough research and analysis in regards to matters of life and business due to my extra time afforded to me by my self imposed Facebook fasting period for the month and limited 2 way communication on the web in general.

Today, I went to my personal Myspace page that I check about 2 -4 times a month at a maximum just to see what I may be missing, and as usual, what I found is what I see frequently in my real life which is me, myself, and I.

The header image was taken in 2009 an the video for this feature in 2008, and while I am still waiting to get around to some updated footage along with a few other promised things such as exclusive events, I am reminded that I am not a poser for pictures type of person, which allows me to develop and provide useful resources for those who are.

The video again was made in the Spring of 2008 on a day in which the weather was similar to how it is today which inspired me to post it as well as cut class for perhaps a few days to charge a Spring Break credit to the game.

The people who know me personally are aware that this is the real and only me which is what you see and get in the video and still images, for better or worse, and with a reputation for cutting class as a teenager, it may have been training for the future which again shows me cutting class, yet on an advanced level which is from the middle class and on into the upper class, so as an example, while cruising around the neighborhood yesterday, I saw and spoke with an attractive young woman who was out and about walking her dog and enjoying herself and the afternoon weather while working out simultaneously, which brings to light the subject of moving forward which has become a relevant buzz word and that reflects something extremely interesting about “the web” and helps me to further clarify my growing lack of interest in online socializing in it’s current and normal form.

When pondering on where to take the game next and what to make happen next, it appears that while all of the social media websites as well as internet technology in general can offer many tools, there seems to be a failure in the key area of what is showing to be what a majority of individuals are seeking, which is…… well…… just watch the video and see if it assists with the subject of the post title, and we can then get back to business upon by return.

See You @ The Top!

A Clear Picture Of Lifestyle & Different Perspective To Consider.

The Escort – Controversial Stage Play Draws Fire

Billboard And Poster For Provocative Stage Play" THE ESCORT"

Here is a bit of juicy yet relevant news in the world of Entertainment in it’s capital city of Los Angeles.

A controversial adult themed play regarding the life and trials of an upscale escort has made its debut at the Geffen Playhouse in Westwood CA.

With all of the various types of artistic expression that are created and coexist exist within the city, the actual content of the play written by Emmy award winning writer Jane Anderson  is not the actual cause of the negative criticism, but rather the refusal of city officials to allow the posters and billboards to be displayed around the city.

The criticism is coming from local residents and business owners who do not desire to see the artwork advertisements displayed in public sectors due to it’s sexually provocative nature, yet the supporters and show staff see it as a double standard citing numerous somewhat racy and homosexual overtone advertisements openly and freely displayed in select parts of the city, such as Sunset Blvd in Hollywood as primary example.

The Escort: Risque Play Opens At The Geffen:

This is one that needs to be monitored from a business standpoint as suppression in one arena always equals a demand for an outlet in another, and where there is controversy, there is also blood in the streets according to those with a corporate culture mindset.

A synopsis of the play as well as a link to the Geffen Playhouse website for more details is below.


The Escort

March 29 – May 8, 2011

Previews through April 5, 2011
Opens April 6, 2011

Nothing is taboo in this world premiere about a high-class call girl. Charlotte is charged with escorting us through this titillating tale as members of one seemingly liberal family test the limits of their own sexual morality. What happens when social ideals are in direct conflict with personal choices in the bedroom? While this provocative new Geffen commission is laced with sex, bad language and nudity, don’t expect some bawdy farce from this Emmy and Ovation Award winning writer. This sexually charged roller coaster ride takes us down a path of unexpected thoughtfulness and depth that asks the question: How far are you willing to go to prove your open-mindedness?

Performance Notes: Contains mature language and strong sex

The Daily – The World’s First Tablet Newspaper

"New Times Demand New Journalism" - The Daily

On with the show.
The good news flows continuously and in the direction of profitability from this perspective as we are witnessing the full transition from print to digital publication formats.

While watching a news program this morning, I was privileged to see the new commercial for The Daily, which has branded itself as the worlds first tablet newspaper.

There is still much to be done in regards to the concept of this tablet newspaper that it’s large advertising budget alone cannot accomplish, as I believe that they have gambled substantially on Apple Inc. and their continued success and growth as they have branded themselves to be a publication exclusively for the iPad and perhaps are excluding the individuals who choose to use other tablets, as well as traditional PC’s, laptops, smartphones,  gaming consoles, web TV, and other devices that connect individuals to the world wide web in search of their desired content.

I can also confirm through direct personal experience that selling the concept of an online publication stated as a magazine has been a tremendous task in and of itself as individuals now in lesser and lesser degrees, usually associate a magazine as a tangible paper and print item that one can touch and an Internet magazine as something of less value and credibility until as of recently that is, with the large scale manufacturing and distribution of
e Readers, digital reader apps for mobile phones, and now tablet touchscreen computers developed for this very purpose, yet and still, the term  Tablet Newspaper does contain the word paper, which in and of itself is contradictory to the concept of a paperless digital format.

They may also face a challenge in their competition with the popular online news publication/website known as The Daily Beast if any brand originality issues come into question, along with other well known print publications who have since already converted to standard online formats, with some moving into the area of pay per view such as The Wall Street Journal and New York Post, offered by none other than News Corp.

In closing, overall I support this new venture as it adds value to the online publication sector in general which of course leads to job creation, solid online business models and associated investment opportunities, and overall global economic growth and prosperity, and as with both electronic mail and social media which offer new and improved ways to function that prior mail and media formats could not, the focus on this end still remains on how a Lifestyle Magazine can offer the same within it’s own context
(think Playboy Magazine with a new millineum pimpsish effect)

Get it in writing!

A different perspective to consider.

The Daily – The World's First Tablet Newspaper

"New Times Demand New Journalism" - The Daily

On with the show.
The good news flows continuously and in the direction of profitability from this perspective as we are witnessing the full transition from print to digital publication formats.

While watching a news program this morning, I was privileged to see the new commercial for The Daily, which has branded itself as the worlds first tablet newspaper.

There is still much to be done in regards to the concept of this tablet newspaper that it’s large advertising budget alone cannot accomplish, as I believe that they have gambled substantially on Apple Inc. and their continued success and growth as they have branded themselves to be a publication exclusively for the iPad and perhaps are excluding the individuals who choose to use other tablets, as well as traditional PC’s, laptops, smartphones,  gaming consoles, web TV, and other devices that connect individuals to the world wide web in search of their desired content.

I can also confirm through direct personal experience that selling the concept of an online publication stated as a magazine has been a tremendous task in and of itself as individuals now in lesser and lesser degrees, usually associate a magazine as a tangible paper and print item that one can touch and an Internet magazine as something of less value and credibility until as of recently that is, with the large scale manufacturing and distribution of
e Readers, digital reader apps for mobile phones, and now tablet touchscreen computers developed for this very purpose, yet and still, the term  Tablet Newspaper does contain the word paper, which in and of itself is contradictory to the concept of a paperless digital format.

They may also face a challenge in their competition with the popular online news publication/website known as The Daily Beast if any brand originality issues come into question, along with other well known print publications who have since already converted to standard online formats, with some moving into the area of pay per view such as The Wall Street Journal and New York Post, offered by none other than News Corp.

In closing, overall I support this new venture as it adds value to the online publication sector in general which of course leads to job creation, solid online business models and associated investment opportunities, and overall global economic growth and prosperity, and as with both electronic mail and social media which offer new and improved ways to function that prior mail and media formats could not, the focus on this end still remains on how a Lifestyle Magazine can offer the same within it’s own context
(think Playboy Magazine with a new millineum pimpsish effect)

Get it in writing!

A different perspective to consider.

Susan Rice – Taking The Pimpin' International

Dr. Susan Rice - U.S.A. Ambassador For The United Nations

Susan Rice

Susan Elizabeth Rice (born November 17, 1964) is an American diplomat, former think tank fellow, and civil servant. She is an American foreign policy advisor and United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Rice served on the staff of the National Security Council and as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during President Bill Clinton‘s second term. Rice was confirmed as UN Ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on January 22, 2009.[1]

Source: Wikipedia

Welcome Home!
Spring is in the air along with the inclination to take the game to a new and improved level of excellence, so today we will switch up the flow by introducing you to some people that are good to know.

The person who added the caption in the image of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice seems to agree with my sentiment in regards to a pimpish perspective and this post was inspired by the Piers Morgan show that aired last night with the Co Founders of Twitter along with a few celebrities and their commentary on the SMS ( Short Message Service) site including the likes of Martha Stewart, Alyssa Milano, and The Mayor of Newark New Jersey , along with references to Charlie Sheen being supposedly introduced to Twitter by Piers Morgan.

Interestingly enough, to my surprise, the first individual to appear on the show was none other than Susan Rice which at first caused some confusion in my mind as I thought that the show was about Twitter and it’s founders and not global relations and current events, yet the tie in was shown to be about her own views on Twitter and how it has impacted current world changing events in the Middle East.

We then moved to what many would seem to consider as more important figures such as the Founders of Twitter and the public figures mentioned above and the focus of discussion then moved towards the ins and outs of Twitter in the words of it’s creators as well as Piers Morgan’s experiences along with that of Martha Stewart and Alyssa Milano and how they find the website to be such a marvelous tool.

The question was then asked by Piers Morgan to the Twitter founders as to whether or not they believe that the amount of followers a user has determines the amount of leverage a person has as this question has been circulating ever since mainstream celebrities began to use the service which has led to an imbalance in relevance, to which the response from Jack Dorsey was that the content in the “tweet” has shown to be the most important matter with an example of how a man with 20 followers posted an image of a plane crashing into the Hudson River in New York which led to the content becoming world news withing hours.

Alyssa Milano then made a claim that Twitter was the closet thing to a time machine and true global community that exists, we are all equal.

Long story short, from this position, I would have to conclude that a tweet or any public online and offline communications from the likes of individuals such as Susan Rice or even Barack Obama will tend to have a greater impact on the lives of individuals on the planet than all of the billions of entries combined together including the statuses of the staff at Twitter, Facebook, Google, and the conditions of their businesses and all businesses and governments as a whole are dependent on the communications of a select few.

With that said, for some reason their appears to be a reversal in the order of importance which even Piers Morgan was able to recognize as a former head of large scale publications in the U.K. which is why the decision must have been made to have Susan Rice appear before everyone else including the founders of Twitter on his show, and when Susan Rice actually shared her personal Twitter address on the air when requested by Piers, it would seem to show that her list of followers would grow at a much slower pace than many others which would reflect a greater interest in the lesser importance.


In closing, due to the fact that this online publication comes equipped with a few advanced social media capabilities that are not offered elsewhere, we will continue to share valuable resources with valuable and resourceful people as in the real world it has been shown that ambassadors and other world dignitaries are afforded special amenities out of respect for their statuses and capabilities, yet interestingly enough, at the end of the day, I am willing to make a calculated wager on the belief that Susan Rice like just about everyone else simply wishes to have a good time and have her status respected and integrity sustained.

PH New World Order Resolution # 5555
“Centralize The Pimpin'”
-Rylan Branch

An Eagles eye perspective to consider.

You Have Much To Be Thankful For



feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative.
Welcome Home!
We have reached yet another Tuesday Newsday as well as week #13 of the year 2011 Spring season, and with all of the world changing events that have transpired within this brief time frame, I decided to go ahead and drop some therapeutic news on you to help counteract the opposite news that we all may find ourselves being confronted with on a continuous basis.
Keeping it simple, I believe that when it is all said and done, the facts will show that the majority of human grief and misery will point to the simple cause of thoughts and emotions regarding what one does not have and is without or what one is not enough of.
A more descriptive example will come later in perhaps a book format of sorts, yet for those on the go looking for a takeout order, one can simply take a step back and look at what one is thinking and feeling, and should it be some form of stress or worry, find it to be regarding something that one is without.
The unfortunate reality as a tip from an insider, is that this feeling is actually what tends to drive consumer demand and spending which is why a majority of advertisements are reminding us all about what we are without and in need of in exchange for some dinero, yet although it may sound a bit philosophical, I believe the most important thing that one may be without yet not being made aware of, is gratitude, without which, people, places, and things decline in value beginning and ending with the most important factor which is your own self.
In economics you have what is known as appreciation and depreciation which are reflective of an increase and decrease in value, with something of major importance as a prime example, known as
It would not take a rocket scientist, but rather a pocket scientist to come to the conclusion that the value of all people, places, and things, including but not limited to the dollar are in fact only what individuals and groups agree upon and accept as valuable, which explains appreciation and depreciation in an accurate and clear way.
Before I go overboard with the words, let the record reflect that if one shifts their mental and emotional focus from what one is without and in want or need of, to what one is with and able to offer others along with the appreciation of it, ones own value and worth would increase automatically as well as all of that which belongs to them, so in closing without sounding Dali Lama’ish explaining the laws of karma, we can all simply conclude that it is best to say grace before we eat, and ensure that we fully appreciate and enjoy the food on our plate before we begin to think about and reach for second helpings, because as it is said by the wise……
The man was mad because he had no shoes, until he met the man that had no feet.

A different and therapeutic perspective to consider.

The Obama Doctrine – Introduction

Barack Obama & Grandmother Sarah Hussein Obama @ His Father's House In Nyongoma Kogelo Village, Kenya, Aug. 2006.

President Obama’s Speech on Libya

March 28, 2011 | 26:32 | Public Domain

Monday, March 28, 2011, the President delivers an address at the National Defense University in Washington, DC to update the American people on the situation in Libya, including the actions we’ve taken with allies and partners to protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Moammar Qaddafi, the transition to NATO command and control, and our policy going forward.

Source :

Blackberry PlayBook

Another day, another tablet.
Outside of the few variations of can’s and can’t do’s regarding the new tablet PC’s that are showing up on the market, I believe that the progress of the market sector will show to be based on brand familiarity as with this particular device, which becomes an entirely different device once the word Blackberry is added in before the Playbook as a way to generate a buzz for the device and gain consumer interest.

Black Body Radiation – The Science Of The Game Is DEEP

Greetings Earthlings.
This post is somewhat out of left field due to the fact that the current state of the weather in Southern California inspires this type of mood, yet there are those individuals who frequent these parts specifically for the “other shit” section content that cannot be found elsewhere and it is a commonly accepted truth that left field is manned with a player in the position on a baseball field where although the odds of a base hit in the area are lesser than all other places on the field, it still counts as a base hit so long as the ball remains within the bounds of the foul ball line.

Anyhow, the title of this entry “Black Body Radiation”, is in fact a scientific term which relates to quantum physics to help shed some additional light on the law of attraction concept that has been popularized by new age thinkers, and the post was inspired by the current radioactive energy dilemma that is currently being experienced in Japan as well as the western coast of the United States with sensors detecting an increase in radioactive energy levels.

Japan’s Radiation Leak Not as Dangerous as You Fear

By Dr. Marc Siegel

These radiation fears are irrational, and they are reminiscent of the nervous calls I received for Cipro during the anthrax scare of 2011 and for Tamiflu during the bird flu scare of 2005.

But I also understand where these worries come from; people are afraid of the unknown, afraid of death, and we all personalize the risk. Since the best antidote for fear is facts, I’ve decided to do my best to put these fears into perspective.

Read more:

The image in the header section of this post came about though a Google search of the term “black” in which I decided to add the word “guy” after it since I have been described as such in the past, and once again realized the value of this process through recognition of how it relates to common consensus of terms by the images in the search query gallery being reflective of the terms and how they connect to the mental images inside of the minds of individuals.

In closing, the point of this discussion is that there really is none other than the desire for you as the viewer to form your own and find exercising your own mental muscles an enjoyable and healthfully beneficial experience.

Black Body

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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As the temperature decreases, the peak of the blackbody radiation curve moves to lower intensities and longer wavelengths. The blackbody radiation graph is also compared with the classical model of Rayleigh and Jeans.

The color (chromaticity) of blackbody radiation depends on the temperature of the black body; the locus of such colors, shown here in CIE 1931 x,y space, is known as the Planckian locus.

A black body is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation. Because of this perfect absorptivity at all wavelengths, a black body is also the best possible emitter of thermal radiation, which it radiates incandescently in a characteristic, continuous spectrum that depends on the body’s temperature. At Earth-ambient temperatures this emission is in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum and is not visible. The object appears black, since it does not reflect or emit any visible light.

The thermal radiation from a black body is energy converted electrodynamically from the body’s pool of internal thermal energy at any temperature greater than absolute zero. It is called blackbody radiation and has a frequency distribution with a characteristic frequency of maximum radiative power that shifts to higher frequencies with increasing temperature. As the temperature increases past a few hundred degrees Celsius, black bodies start to emit visible wavelengths, appearing red, orange, yellow, white, and blue with increasing temperature. When an object is visually white, it is emitting a substantial fraction as ultraviolet radiation.

Source: Wikipedia

Connect the dots.

A different perspective to consider.

Elizabeth Taylor – Game Recognize Game

Elizabeth Taylor In 2007

This is just a quick entry of historical record and relevance for the memorial of Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor. In 2007 I actually made an entry regarding this image to help individuals in Hollywood and globally to respect the game and add value to the culture as well as provide a glimpse into the future through a reference to an individual who was the epitome of  being “in the know” about the worth and value of things.

Elizabeth Taylor

February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011

On with the show.