The Burden Of Proof In The Moment Of Truth

Greetings Earthlings!

Today is the last official day of 2009 as well as the first decade for the new millennium, and we have been blessed with a fresh clear blue day here in Southern California to lead us into the future, so I decided to wrap up my 2009 installments with an apex climax.

My predictions for the year 2010 and beyond are as follows.

Simply put, after a decade full of deep reflection and analysis, I believe that many of the things in popular culture which are currently being utilized to help ease the burden of proof, will begin to show themselves as things that increase the burden 10-100 fold.

I will save my usual philosophical discourse for another time, and simply close out the decade with a historical, yet hauntingly relevant quote from the likes of one of the greatest authors in modern history.

Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive. – Sir Walter Scott (Marmion, 1808)

Expect the best, and not a settlement for less, here at
Your Friendly Neighborhood

“Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe”- Anonymous

and familiarize yourself with the symbol below,

which is a critically acclaimed accolade parallel to the award pictured above, known as
The Atlas Award.

Happy New Year,
to you and yours.

LEADERS & FOLLOWERS- Life According To Twitter

lead-er[lee-der] –noun
1. a person or thing that leads.
2. a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group.
3. Music.
a. a conductor or director, as of an orchestra, band, or chorus.
b. the player at the head of the first violins in an orchestra, the principal cornetist in a band, or the principal soprano in a chorus, to whom any incidental solos are usually assigned.
4. a featured article of trade, esp. one offered at a low price to attract customers. Compare loss leader.

fol-low-er [fol-oh-er] –noun
1. a person or thing that follows.
2. a person who follows another in regard to his or her ideas or belief; disciple or adherent.
3. a person who imitates, copies, or takes as a model or ideal: He was little more than a follower of current modes.
4. an attendant, servant, or retainer.

Welcome home!

Today is Wednesday 30 December 2009, which makes this the second to last full day of the first decade of the new millennium.

As some of you may know, I have been working on my
New Decade Resolution list for the past couple of weeks, and I believe that this particular subject is extremely relevant, and needs to be addressed as it is showing itself to be one of the key components which brings individuals to the Internet at this very moment.

“Just like the butter on your breakfast toast, it’s the little things in life that seem to matter the most”
– Rylan Branch

I could and very well may write an entire book on this particular subject, yet out of respect for your time and attention, I will work towards sticking to the bare essentials of the matter.

As we bring this year to a close along with the decade, one thing that I have stated to members of my inner circle, is that it appears that one of the most in demand things in the world at this time, is the desire to feel or be important, and over time, I have noticed a tremendous increase in the supply of services on the Internet that appear to be serving this need. Continue reading

Are You Suffering From A “CHRYSLER 300” Mentality?

Staying true to the cause of producing authentic content that can be only be found within these walls, today’s post will be brief yet loaded with enough details to circulate some blood flow to your brain.

From the looks of it, on the Internet and the world at large, many individuals are suffering from what I have classified as a

“Chrysler 300 Mentality”.

It is a syndrome that inspires individuals to desire to possess the same exact vehicle as millions of other people, with the only unique quality being the numbers and letters on the licence plate, along with perhaps different shades of paint, even though colors are in themselves limited.

The end result leads the maker of the automobile to have to
file for bankruptcy, rely on bailout funds from the U.S. Federal Government, and the owner of the vehicle being left with a worthless possession on their hands which is popular and  also held by many.

If the time for change has arrived for you, then  here is where you will find it.

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)

Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

Are You Suffering From A "CHRYSLER 300" Mentality?

Staying true to the cause of producing authentic content that can be only be found within these walls, today’s post will be brief yet loaded with enough details to circulate some blood flow to your brain.

From the looks of it, on the Internet and the world at large, many individuals are suffering from what I have classified as a

“Chrysler 300 Mentality”.

It is a syndrome that inspires individuals to desire to possess the same exact vehicle as millions of other people, with the only unique quality being the numbers and letters on the licence plate, along with perhaps different shades of paint, even though colors are in themselves limited.

The end result leads the maker of the automobile to have to
file for bankruptcy, rely on bailout funds from the U.S. Federal Government, and the owner of the vehicle being left with a worthless possession on their hands which is popular and  also held by many.

If the time for change has arrived for you, then  here is where you will find it.

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)

Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

Do We Need More Security Or Less Insecurity?

Just when you thought it was safe to come outside.
The hot news topic circulating in mainstream and online media outlets is in regards to the young man in the image above, who was arrested for attempting to terrorize a flight in route to the U.S. from Amsterdam.

All of the details can be found elsewhere, so I will simply use this as a lead in to the following question.

Which do you believe there is a greater need for in society in general,
A. More Security ?
B. Less Insecurity ?

I currently have my philosophical thinking cap on, and due to the fact that we are about to enter a new decade, one of my resolutions is to move past personal and collective traumas of the past, and just as I was reflecting on this subject, a good old fashioned terrorist attempt made its way into the headlines, which inspires me to ask if it is perhaps time to address the whole concept of security from the threat of  foreign aggression in a different manner.

I stumbled upon the image below when researching this subject.

It is simply food for thought, as the creator of the image was obviously attempting to communicate some form of a message, through the combining of the two characters in a single  image.  Whether out loud, or in your own mind, tell me, as well as yourself, what you think about the image, as well as which one represents a need for more security and which one best represents a call for less insecurity.

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)

Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin Now Offering User Profiles- Get Yours Today!

Attention Whore 968 up, 72 down

A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention
2.interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior
3.displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions
4.consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self
5.has a style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail
6.shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion suggestible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances
8.considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.

Basically, a drama queen
Evelyn is such an attention whore. I hate her.

Definition provided by

Welcome home!
Today’s subject is one that I am actually very reluctant to touch upon, as I sometimes feel like I may play a part in the phenomenon in the first place, yet as the saying goes, even online it aint easy, and I will have to take the initiative to give a clear minded analysis of the matter, to bring greater awareness to it, and offer effective remedies for the greater good as we move into a new decade of growth and expansion here at
Your Friendly Meighborhood

Speaking from a purely economical reasoning standpoint, I will be as bold to say that the concept of whoring is one that has always existed in society, for better or worse, and the specific emphasis of this post in regards to the actual payoffs that come with the style of whoring known as attention whoreing.

I am aware of the increasing desire for self reliance in society, and believe it is actually one of the greatest by products of the Internet and its ability to empower those who wish to strive for success on their own terms.

The dangers that result from what I can see, is when you have a blind leading the blind scenario, in which individuals are seen behaving like the rest of the group, without any reflection on the hows and whys, and only have the reason of everyone is doing it, as a means to explain their own behavior, known as a herd mentality.

With that said, lets just focus on supply and demand, which even the most novice of business person can comprehend.

One day, you went out into the world to earn some money to be able to afford the things that you like, and you decided to go out and have a meal at a restaurant that you thought you might enjoy.

As you were waiting in line to be seated, you got the feeling that the attendants at the establishment were there to have you come to the location and make them feel important.

When the time came for you to be seated, the hostess began to talk about all of the things that were going on in her life outside of the workplace, and placed the responsibility of consoling her unto you, as the paying customer.

After finishing with that duty, the waitress came to your table, and instead of asking you about what you were interested in having, she began ask you about how her hair and makeup looked, and sat with you at the table so that she could listen to your comments, all the while neglecting to take your order, or even let you know what was available by offering you a menu as she was preoccupied with more important matters like the back and forth conversation that she was having on Twitter via a cool smart phone.

You finally figured out a way to get your order in, and you finished your meal, the waitress came to your table, and requested some more of your time and attention , to reassure her that she was better looking than all of the other waitresses in the restaurant, and in closing, requested that you leave a generous tip for her, for the excellent job of serving her own needs for some attention and praise which again, was provided by you as the paying customer.

Even if you did pay for the meal and left a tip, chances are, you would not return again, and would tell your friends and associates about the extremely unpleasant experience that you had, so that they would be sure to not patronize the establishment as well, which could possibly lead to an increase in the current unemployment rate in America.

The moral of the story rests in the question of who’s needs are of the higher priority, the server, or the paying customer that seeks to be served, and is willing to compensate the server and establishment for excellent service ?

I am confident enough in the fact that you can put together the proper order of operations in business, that I will simply leave the answer in your hands to answer for yourself, and simply state that it is most likeley the same for everyone else, and if you are an individual who is seeking some form of success in any business venture in which you expect to be compensated, you would simply follow the steps of how you yourself would wish for things to be, as the person who is offering the compensation for the services rendered, or even more simply put, do unto others as you would have them due unto you.

If your self esteem is somewhat low, follow what they in the business world call the platinum rule, which is to treat others BETTER than you would have them treat you.

Anything less is a by product of poor management, and a lack of sound pimpformation, which would usually result in an individual having to settle for a lonely life on the internet social curcuit which does not usually cost any money to use, while at the same time, also does not pay any money to you for the time and energy spent there other than some emotional gratification from comments and kudos, so that you can not enjoy the things that you ordinarily buy or do , if you had the monetary means which can only come through serving the needs of paying customers effectively.

Now for some educational and thought provoking humor.

Here is some interesting dialouge that I aquired today from my
Facebook Newsfeed.

Alex G. (Female Name Alex?)
10 hours ago · Comment · Like
Jerry Michailovas likes this.
Unati Fabe Dont delet.just delet the fake and da fonies.
10 hours ago
Leo Sotomayor Im with you, there is alot of bullshitting peeps here
10 hours ago
Ben Arnett yeah and i hate ppl with fake profile pics too!
10 hours ago
Jj Martinez Well hopefully you don’t have to…But, you have to do what you have to do to feel safe. Sucks there are idiots out there that do such ignorant things that force people like you to leave,
10 hours ago
Ben Arnett oops….
10 hours ago
David S. Owens if you need help with those programs, you have my email…
10 hours ago
Jerry Butler I’ve been kind of embarassed lately at some of the comments some of my female friends get. It’s like “use your head, dumbass. Yeah, she’s real impressed by the fact you can drop the f-bomb several times in a posting.” Just delete the jerks. But I guess if you think it would be for the best to leave, we’d hate to see you go.
8 hours ago
James Potter I like Facebook for the fact you choose who you accept as a friend and the amount of information given out. If someone says something inappropiate then you can delete them, if it was just that easy in real life !
7 hours ago
David Monfre Go you Alex and you have to look out for number 1
4 hours ago

My personal insight is to simply log on to , to check for available profiles.

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)

Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

JFK And A Boat Load Of Naked Beezy’s ?

Shouts going out to Harvey Levin and the TMZ crew for continuously showing and proving the astronomical power of online new media outlets.

Recently released unpublished images have been released by TMZ which appear to show John F. Kennedy on a boat in the company of nude and semi nude women, which they are publicizing as the photo that could have altered history.

The photo was eventually given to a man who owned a car dealership on the East coast. The man kept it in a drawer for years, and would brag to friends he had an image of JFK on a boat with naked women. The man died 10 years ago and one of his sons inherited the photo.

Had the photo surfaced when John F. Kennedy ran for President in 1960, it could have torpedoed his run, and changed world history.

TMZ article link, click here. Perspective-

Ok, now I get it. The Kennedy assassination would have then been a result of certain individuals not receiving their invites to one of the infamous
Kennedy Brothers  jumpoffs.

To party like a rockstar is one thing, but to party like a politician is a totally different level of the game

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)

Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

JFK And A Boat Load Of Naked Beezy's ?

Shouts going out to Harvey Levin and the TMZ crew for continuously showing and proving the astronomical power of online new media outlets.

Recently released unpublished images have been released by TMZ which appear to show John F. Kennedy on a boat in the company of nude and semi nude women, which they are publicizing as the photo that could have altered history.

The photo was eventually given to a man who owned a car dealership on the East coast. The man kept it in a drawer for years, and would brag to friends he had an image of JFK on a boat with naked women. The man died 10 years ago and one of his sons inherited the photo.

Had the photo surfaced when John F. Kennedy ran for President in 1960, it could have torpedoed his run, and changed world history.

TMZ article link, click here. Perspective-

Ok, now I get it. The Kennedy assassination would have then been a result of certain individuals not receiving their invites to one of the infamous
Kennedy Brothers  jumpoffs.

To party like a rockstar is one thing, but to party like a politician is a totally different level of the game

A different perspective to consider.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)

Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

Web Biz Tips From Bob Parsons.

I suppose that one day, it will make sense as to why I find myself at work at 6:30 pm on Christmas Night, but till then…

Here is some valuable pimpformation from Bob Parsons, regarding success in business and life in general with tips for the important art and science of negotiations.

For those uninitiated,
Bob Parsons is the CEO & Founder of GoDaddy Inc.

a dot com entrepreneur with a $40 billion dollar net worth company, that is also known to feature many attractive women in the process.

Shall we call it job creation?

Works for us, might could work for you too!!.

See You At The Top
( And Bring A Friend!!)

Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

PH Paris Hilton Bentley Continental

Sometimes  its good to take a step back, in order to have a more clear focus on the future, and due to an occurrence with a female friend of mine, the classic Bentley Continental was brought to my attention.

After doing some research on the vehicle , and viewing images, I came across a Bentley Continental that was actually introduced to the world in 2008 by Paris Hilton and West Coast Customs auto detail shop known as the PH Bentley

which was actually featured on her reality show.

The general buzz surrounding the vehicle was actually lukewarm, and I believe it was simply due to popular opinion regarding Paris,with the perception of the concept being a waste of money, and an insult to the vehicle and its status as a luxury brand.

Of course, what primarily attracted me to the concept is the actual symbol which is featured on the hood, which just happens to also be the initials of the name of the online publication that you are now visiting.

There is just something about the appeal of diamonds that is irresistible, and it actually shows how creativity can evolve to the point where style concepts
which originated in “THE HOOD” can be applied to traditional status symbols and add value and appeal.

For the auto enthusiast that are familiar with Bentley motor vehicles standards, the traditional custom applications come from a company known as Mulliner.

Mulliner offers personal commissioning coachbuilding services to Bentley customers in the creation of unique handcrafted solutions for their vehicles.

We all have our preferences, yet I know for certain, the West Coast Customs, a home grown, grass roots company based here in Southern California , brought a new attitude to the whole genre of customizing vehicles, as seen on the past popular hit series Pimp My Ride, and added the Celebrity element which is also in fact a product of the region, and as I was researching the vehicle for images of the 2010 model, I did discover this two-tone version of the Bentley Continental being offered in Europe,

which I would conclude had to have been inspired by the customization offered by West Coast Customs.

It is a great testimonial of the potential for growth and expansion that exists with the proper combination of old money and new money concepts, and may even reflect a working example of President Barack Obama’s campaign promise of wealth redistribution.

A different perspective to consider.