Success in Modeling – Whats Your Story?


my story is im trying to get into modeling i met a few agents and when i told them i was 22 they act like i said 40 lol but im gone keep trying

It’s a beautiful day outside, and I am actually scheduled for a long over due vacation, yet in actuality, since I actually live on vacation, it never seems to work as it would under more normal circumstance.

Today is one of those occasions where you get to see a part of what my 9 to 5 entails when you see so much of my time spent on the web, and if you clicked this entry, then perhaps you too have an interest in the subject of success in the industry known as modeling or just success in general.

Before I begin, let the record reflect that I am using regular images as opposed to what are often described as professional shots on purpose, and it is a follow up to yesterdays post regarding the status known as stuck on stupid, in which the simple and effective way of thinking and doing can be demonstrated and compared to the hard way.

The young lady in the images is Jai, a cool female from here in
Southern California, with a goal of attaining success in the business of modeling.

They key word is in fact BUSINESS, because from what I can see, what has happened all across the board is a mismatch in regards to what the definition of modeling is and what the job entails, and for a more thorough analysis, simply click this link for a ins and outs business description of the industry.

For today, lets keep it simple by simply noting that the job of a model is simply to draw attention to a person, place, or thing, in an attempt to influence a potential customer to make a purchase, as opposed to what many who follow many who do not really know , typically believe, think, and act upon, which is that modeling is siply a status to be attained in order to serve their own needs for attention and praise.

Still sound complicated and discouraging?
Lets make it simple.

paid 800 for my hair do you like lol

The answer for me is that I love it, as a woman that would spend that amount of money on her hairstyle preference shows that she believes that she deserves it, and if I see it, then it means she decided to be it, and show it so that we can all know it.

Now could you imagine if the stylist that made this happen was to discover that others wanted to know about the details of this hairstyle, and since Jai had the first hand knowledge, she could actually refer clients to the stylist and actually earn income or have her hair done free of charge as compensation for the referral? I could imagine it very easily because it happens each and everyday, as that is in fact what the job of a hair and cosmetics model is.

SISTERS 4 life

This description is a result of me being male, yet all things balance out in the end, so with the way that my mind works, if I was to want to hit the scene, crispy and clean, and spend some hard earned green, seeing an image like the one above and hearing from the sexy ladies in it, letting me know exactly what to expect when I attend this event would work like a charm.

Could you imagine if the club promoters and owners, as well as other companies that wanted my attention and hard earned dollars would actually pay for this service that does the job most effectively? I could imagine it very easily because it happens every single day in the world of
promotional modeling.

Southern California is a great place to visit, yet it could be a bias on my part as I am a native of these parts, yet the weather and women speak for themselves.

Outdoor activities do inspire me whether in a day or evening setting, and it appears to be the same for many as I usually see individuals enjoying themselves and being active while I am out and about during various times of the day. Could you imagine if companies interested in selling their goods and services to these active individuals were to be interested in hiring individuals that inspire others to want to take part in the fun? I could imagine it very easily as it happens every single day in the world of
fitness and active lifestyles modeling.

I could go on and on and perhaps have already said enough, so in closing, lets keep things simple for those who may have not expected such accurate insight from a site with a name like

Let the record reflect that the industry again is a business, and while it is a fun and employable one, if your interest is in success , which in business means customer satisfaction and profit, at the end of the day as well as the beginning, what you reap is what you sow, and what you sow begins with what you know.

Just like it was stated in the movie Baby Boy,

“You got to know the difference between the guns and the butter. Basically stuff that appreciates with value and stuff that loses value over time. Don’t get it twisted if you wanna be a real hustla!”

Whats Your Story?

A different perspective to consider.

(Repost) A Win-Win Situation Is At The Root Of Creation

(Editors Note – April 30, 2010)

(T.G.I.F.) Thank God It’s Freeday!
This entry is from the archives dated Mar 31, 2009, and yes it is a bit leghthy and extensive, yet there is still an interest in and demand for insightful and informative content, as opposed to what we see as “tweets with no filling.”

In actuality, it is just a benchmark to remind myself of my own capabilities as an author, with an interest in writing books for those interested in my style of literature to enjoy, and one of these days, I will get around to making it be.

For now, if it is something that you find useful, then Bon Apitite, compliments of  The Chef Rylan Branch, A.K.A. Pimpgame Puck LOL!

(End Note)

Once again its on.
I am feeling somewhat generous today, so I decided to share some basic yet highly effective pimformation in regards to achieve success in any endeavor that involves multiple parties.

This ideology , known as the Win Win situation , was actually developed by the Harvard School Of Business in the later part of the 20th Century.

Yet and still, there truly is nothing really new under the sun, so since we are touching on subjects which stem from the Oldest Profession On Planet Earth, we can classify it as economic fodder from the first PHD’s of Economics who were the first to
PROFESS (Sell The Game)!

Lets start off with the most basic fundamental rule of thumb, known as
Self Preservation.It indicates that any individual that you will ever meet or have ever met is primarily thinking about their own personal self interest above all things.

Some believe that what is known as altruism which is the state of being SELFLESS as opposed to SELFISH is a noble state of existence, yet it has been concluded by most half way rational philosophers that Altruism itself is in fact an act and state of being which is beneficial to the individual with the stance.

In more down to earth terms, if you give a bum a dollar on the street, you receive a good feeling of knowing that you helped someone in need, so you actually took an action according to YOUR OWN NEED.

Now , we will get somewhat mathematical and check the flow of the energy in motion , known to you as E-Motion.

Strengthening ones own position at the expense of another, is a direct indication of Negative Emotion. that does NOT mean good or bad, nice or mean, it simply states that the emotion is based on the desire to receive, which is called subtraction, or TAKE AWAY.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Strengthening the position of another at ones own expense is a sign of positive emotion, which is addition or a ADD TO.

Taking this into account, the most effective solution in all transactions of humans is the Win Win situation which entails that both or all parties seek to strengthen each others position at their own expense so that no expense is lost and each gains,
known to you as
Mutual Profit/Benefit.

While an individual may choose to tune in to another source of valid economic advice from economic experts, I will keep it simple for you by touching on the first order of business, which is that between a Man and Woman, which actually results in the creation of LIFE if left to its natural course.

From what I know, a successful relationship between a man and woman consists of two whole individuals, who’s affinity for each other, outweigh their need for each other. In more simplistic terms, the way to success is if both parties come into a situation looking at ways to give and benefit the other.
if both parties are seeking to give, then each will then also receive by default.

In a PERFECT world, this would be the working scenario, and perhaps one we can work towards should we desire such an existence.

Due to the Nature Of the Beast, which is one based on
, individuals will usually be found coming into a relationship situation looking for what they can GET from the other and attempt to get the most while giving the least required in exchange. Its capitalism at its root, or as they used to say in the first east,
Thinking With Your Belly!

If one or both parties in the relationship are seeking to receive, there will eventually be a conflict of interest as one or both parties are primarily focused on having their own needs met, which again, is based on self preservation.

The psychological experts usually trace these tendencies to inadequacy , which is usually developed through emotional needs being unmet or neglected in the developmental childhood years of a persons life.

Its what leads to consumerism, as money and the things that it represents for an individual is always tied to some form of an emotional gratification, such as power, respect, status, security, love, abundance, and all the other feelings one is able to experience. Let the record reflect that if anything that a person seeks on the outside is to create a better feeling on the inside, that outward person place or thing becomes known as a OBJECT OF DESIRE, which is usually attached to some terms and conditions which require an investment on the part of the person seeking to receive.Once again, when it comes to self preservation, which is also known as self interest, you will usually find some form of  best interest consideration from the possessor of the outward object, or issuer of the funds required to acquire along with a promissory note of repayment over time which is in the BEST INTEREST of the lender, hence you have the term interest rate and possessed by ones possessions.

More on that later, so stay tuned.

For this particular scenario, known as the Win Win Situation,what is usually helpful is an arbitrary mid point, or what we call a table, which both or multiple parties can contribute to, hence you have the phrase
“bringing to the table”. If you have ever had the opportunity to attend a pot luck which requests that each individual brings a dish, you will notice that there is food for the bringer in the form of the dish brought by them as well as food from the other bringers, and each individual who brought experiences the same feeling of plenty.


It an old fashioned yet always effective way of demonstrating what is known as  WIN WIN situation.

Back to the mathematical format, the rules are as follows.


For those unaware multiplication is an advanced form of addition which is a PLUS (positive)

Division is an advanced form of subtraction which is a MINUS(negative)

It is actually IMPOSSIBLE to create a new through a division of two, which is why being fruitful is a result of multiplication which is the unification of numbers.

In regards to the first order of business, which is men and women, unless you are alien or test tube baby, if you are reading this entry, is is a result of you being alive to read it, based on a choice made by your parents to take the necessary steps which resulted in them each going half on a baby.


If you feel and think a certain way about yourself, you will then know that you the personification of a WIN WIN situation between your parents, as well as your forefathers before you who at some point made the same decision.
Call it Creation.

A different perspective to consider.

Stuck On Stupid? – Watch This

Even Online It Aint Easy.

There are a large number of individuals who make things harder than they really need to be as if to say that perhaps that is what they are used to and expect, which requires those who think and act otherwise to lay it on the line from time to time.

Not to say that you or anyone else is stupid as that would be an insult, and not to say that you or anyone else is smart as that would be a compliment.

What is to be said is that if you are not moving ahead, then that would indicate that you are in fact stuck, and the words in the blank which describe the reasons why can be filled in by you and Chuck.

It is what it is, and what it is, is what you make it be, so to close out the month of April 2010 with a solid quote to grow on,  let the record reflect the following.

If you are gettin’ it, then you are gettin’ it, and if you aint gettin’ it, then you obviously aint gettin’ it, get it?

Which ever way, as we like to say, at the end of the day, it’s on with the show.

A different perspective to consider.

You Like?

Two days left for April 2010, and I hope that yours was as productive and fruitful as mine, and if not, you can simply continue to stay tuned because our goal is to assist you in making your story how you believe it should be.

I love it when a plan comes together as it is again showing that the most simple things often turn out to be the most effective, and Facebook has developed a hot selling ticket to the extent that Facebook CEO/Founder

Mark Zuckerberg is being asked by Senators to make some adjustments to the new site service additions which require users to opt out of the services as opposed to opting in.

How Facebook Works

Now that Facebook is sharing users’ personal data with Web sites like Pandora and Yelp, four Democratic senators have asked CEO Mark Zuckerberg to alter the site’s privacy policy so users will have to opt in — not out — to reveal their information

Article Link

This actually falls in line with yesterdays discussion topic of

The Truth – What It Is?

If what you think and feel is true, then obviously what you like is true, as it is impossible for anyone to win a debate with another regarding what they truly like and dislike.

We can then upgrade to the issue of privacy, as it seems that individuals who may like or dislike a person, place, or thing are experiencing some form of discomfort in having others made aware of their preferences and/or truths.

This type of discourse is better saved for some of my yet to be released works, coming soon to a screen near you, so we can simply use this entry to stimulate some blood circulation to the brain as you conduct your own research and form your own opinions.

In closing, again, I love it when a plan comes together as there is plenty of pimp-formation on the subject of liking and being liked, contained within the walls of this online publication, so to add a bit of humor to the situation, let me see if I can come up with a clear picture of where the idea of a like button and associated application on Facebook actually originated.

Facebook Founder Mark Zukerberg & Girlfriend Priscilla Chan

Priscilla Chan Says- “You Like?”


What do you expect?

A PIMPISH perspective to consider.

Marcy – The Miami Diamond

Humpday News!

How do I explain this one?
I will just tell it like it is.

A. I created an effective advertisement and promotional solution last week, that can be viewed at this link.

B. I visited the profile on Myspace and found Marcy in front of my face with the following notice.

have the greatest week. gonna be at signing pics and taking pics with fans – miami beach convention center. may 14- 16
My site coming soon,i know it’s been forever and a year, but is coming soon TARGET DATE IS mAY14TH

C. I proceeded to open up an investigation and discovered that she has plenty of friends and associates out in Florida with quality goods and services waiting in the wings, ready to be introduced to those who are interested.

The moral of the story.

Between us as friends, I do often get accused of making things too easy to comprehend and act upon, due to my unique perspective which is that,

if it is looks and sounds too good to NOT be true, then it probably is

plus, I prefer for things to be easy as it creates more time to enjoy, and less time stressing and failing, so its different strokes for different folks.

Regardless, the show must go on, and I would be grossly negligent in my duty
if I failed to spread the good news and views while creating new and improved avenues, so if it works for you, then stay tuned, and if it does not work for you, still stay tuned, as both loving it and hating it, both require that you first check on it.

Who’s up next?

A different perspective to consider.

The Truth – What It Is?

Do you swear to tell the whole truth and. nothing but the truthso help you God?

Humpday it is, and with the drizzle that we are blessed with today, it usual shows as a condition that inspires deep thinking on my part, so lets roll with it.

I think different, and if you have been following along for long enough, you are used to it, and it may be what brought you to the show.

Ever since I can remember, I always thought it was interesting to know that when it comes to The Truth, and it being told in American society, the legal system requires one to take an oath that requests help from God before offering testimony.

Truth is what stands the test of experience.
Albert Einstein

It has also been the question of the ages for humans to get to the bottom of what The Truth actually is, and philosophers and wise thinkers have spent entire lifetimes in search of its correct definition.

Truth can have a variety of meanings, from the state of being the case, being in accord with a particular fact or reality, being in accord with the body of real things, events, actuality, or fidelity to an original or to a standard. In archaic usage it could be fidelity, constancy or sincerity in action, character, and utterance.[1] The term has no single definition yet about which over fifty percent of professional philosophers and scholars agree (quote needed!), and various theories and views of truth continue to be debated

Wikipedia Link

You also have the concepts of fact and fiction, which I often investigate as a writer, and the Internet puts and  interesting spin on things, as when dealing with what is considered as real, you have the new concept known as virtual reality added into the equation.

Everything happens for a reason, and I have always believed that the popular cartoon series known as Power Rangers and its follow up show VR Troopers by Saban were in some way, preparations for a type of existence in the future which is actually now the present.

Online social networking persona profiles, and the battle cry

“Go Go Power Rangers”

seems to connect perfectly for much of what I see and hear, but again, I think different.

Back to the story of Truth. If I was to take a stab at it in regards to the definition, through all of my studies and experiences, I have concluded that The Truth is actually Simple.

Q: What Is The Truth?
A: What You Really Think And Feel On The Inside.
-Rylan Branch

Why do I believe that it is that simple?

Simply because out of all that I have heard, read, or seen, these criteria are  ones that no one is able to debate and argue about with another according to how they actually think and feel internally and win.

What you think is true, so what do you think?
You’re feedback is always invited and appreciated.

A different perspective to consider.

(Repost) Money Money Money

(Editors Note – April 28 2010)

Just finished a conference with my business partner and the subject of money came up in the discussion because well, that is a part of why people go into business in the first place.

I am clear to state that it is a part of the reason , as it has been shown over and over again that when  profit (monetary gain) is the sole purpose of conducting business, it leads to emotional dependency on money which may cause one to fall in love with it, and then things happen that people regret.

Since there is still plenty of it in existence to have and hold, I figure it a good idea to collect some as earnings for a good service provided to others, and with a bit of focus, contrary to popular opinion, it is actually quite easy to come by, legally and stress free.

It’s a trade secret, yet I will say that anytime anyone has had some in their hand, if they look closely, they would see that previous to that time, they had some on their mind, so maybe there is a connection.

(End Note)

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
-Benjamin Franklin

Now that is some COLD GAME!
If you know what I know, you would agree that being the author of that statement would make one worthy enough to have
their face printed on the C-Note (Big Face For The Ages!)

To preserve the integrity of the quote, I will keep today’s post short and simple, and allow you to ponder on its meaning, and if whether or not it relates to what got you interested in this entry , which is
that thing called MONEY, and if so, HOW?

I will just second that emotion with my own quote.
Call It A Game Recognize Game type of action.

Actually, Its just some pieces of paper with some words and pictures on it.
Would You Like To Hold Them For Me?

-Rylan Branch

The saga continues, so be sure to stay tuned for the NEXT EPISODE.

Big Brother Is Watching You

Big Brother is a fictional character in George Orwell‘s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the enigmatic dictator of Oceania, a totalitarian state taken to its utmost logical consequence – where the ruling elite (‘the Party’) wield total power for its own sake over the inhabitants.

In the society that Orwell describes, everyone is under complete surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens. The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase “Big Brother is watching you”, which is the core “truth” of the propaganda system in this state.

Since the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the term “Big Brother” has entered the lexicon as a synonym for abuse of government power, particularly in respect to civil liberties.

Wikipedia Link

Tuesday Newsday is still in effect, and if you clicked this entry, it shows that you have an interest in staying informed.

The slogan for some of you who may not be aware, is from the science fiction novel by

George Orwell known as 1984.

It was written  in 1949 as a vision of the future, which as of now, is past history, yet the message still represents a conspiracy theorist handbook of sorts.

My personal two cents in the matter is simply that in any situation, it is always give and take, and with the overwhelming popularity of voyeurism(watching) and exhibitionism (being watched) combined with the ease and convenience of the Internet,

the “Big Brother” of sorts who is doing the watching is having his job made easier and easier as the demand for the tools used to be watched and do the watching increase, and in my opinion, as it has been for as long as I can remember, at the end of the day, business is still business, and now it’s profits  seem to be based on valuable information about your personal.

A different perspective to consider.

Private Parts – Facebook Privacy Concerns (Part 1)

Facebook users can afford to pay

Posted by: Douglas MacMillan on September 30, 2009

Facebook is the new king of social networking. But the site is stuck with an old business model that prevents it from cashing in on the increasing affluence of its users and the monopoly it has over their attention. Simply put, Facebook should charge.

A recent study by Nielsen Claritas indicates that the top third of lifestyle segments measured by the researcher relative to income were 25% more likely to use Facebook than the bottom third. Meanwhile, less-wealthy segments were 37% more likely to use MySpace. Article Link

Since we are friends, you don’t mind if I say in my own language, that
aint shit in this world for free. Everything comes at a cost, so this is just an opener to see where we wind up next with the new introduction of
Facebook Instant Personalization.

Stay Tuned.

A different perspective to consider.

Jenna Jameson Quits Twitter – Tito May Be Next

Just In.

Jenna Jameson

Jenna Jameson RT @jennajameson: I’m sorry to all of my fans, but I’m going to be quitting Twitter. I cant take any more abuse from ANYONE.. To my swee …

Posted 19 minutes ago from Twitter

As they say, bad news does travel fast, but with Twitter, it’s at the speed of light. There has been chatter all day long about the matter of
domestic violence between the couple in the past 24 hours, yet you may know more about it than I, as you may be more inclined to pay attention to problems, which we all are guilty of at different points.

The good news and solution is that is slowly becoming a coveted destination for a certain pedigree of woman, and for all we know, with a little convincing on my part, Jenna may be ready to expand her list of ventures and become an investor and staff member around these parts where abuse, verbal or physical,  is not even a word that exists in our vocabulary.

Can you picture it?
Stay Tuned.

A different perspective to consider.