PIMP THOUGHTS – If She Aint Mine, Then I Dont Pay Her No Mind (A Lesson In Right Thinking)

"Female Super Heroes = My Type Of Woman And The Kind I Like Most Best" - Rylan Branch

“Female Super Heroes = My Type Of Woman And The Kind I Like Most Best” – Rylan Branch


verb (used without object)
1. to have a conscious mind, to some extent of reasoning, remembering experiences, making rational decisions, etc.

2. to employ one’s mind rationally and objectively in evaluating or dealing with a given situation: Think carefully before you begin.

3. to have a certain thing as the subject of one’s thoughts: I was thinking about you. We could think of nothing else.

4. to call something to one’s conscious mind: I couldn’t think of his phone number.

5. to consider something as a possible action, choice, etc.: She thought about cutting her hair.


having acceptably proper or correct convictions, beliefs, etc.

An ultra authentic perspective to consider.

THE WESTSIDE OF PARADISE – Live From The Upper Room (Vacation As A Vocation July 2013)

"In the cut watching the show, so show us whatcha got. BIG PIMPIN IS WATCHING YOU!" Rylan Branch - July 29, 2013

“In the cut watching’ the show, so show us whatcha got. BIG PIMPIN IS WATCHING YOU!” Rylan Branch – July 29, 2013


[par-uh-dahys, -dahyz]
1. heaven, as the final abode of the righteous.

2. an intermediate place for the departed souls of the righteous awaiting resurrection.

3. ( often initial capital letter ) Eden ( def 1 ) .

4. a place of extreme beauty, delight, or happiness.

5. a state of supreme happiness; bliss.

A paradise found perspective to consider.


(Repost) Other Peoples Opinions – How Much Do They Matter?(Facebook Breakfast 2013)


(Editors Note Monday July 29, 2013)
Originally Published on: Feb 9, 2010 @ 10:37

Thank God It’s Monday!
Today concludes our week long Facebook Fasting exercise for 2013 and the results have again led to more questions, that lead to more exercises and test results which lead to more questions which have already been asked and answered and asked again at a future time as this post was initially published exactly 3 years, 171 days ago along with the same question and conclusion becoming even more relevant as time progresses.

On with the show.

(End Note)

Greetings Earthlings.
Before I begin today’s discussion, I have recently been asked about the reasons why I sometimes open up with a greeting addressed to Earthlings as if I am not one of them and perhaps have lost my mind.

Its really a case of gaining my mind as I believe that being out of touch with reality is a good thing if reality according to what another believes, is bleak and dismal.

It would seem as if in order for me to assist others to gain a more enjoyable state of existence, I would need to create one for myself first in order to offer it to others, and I do so by simply thinking and acting accordingly, so call it a reap what you sow style app, compliments of yours truly.

I am in a bit of a philosophical mood for today’s Tuesday Newsday, as it is a bit of a gray one here in So Cal,so I decided to just share my thoughts and make it a good and productive use of time.

As usual, it is simple.
My day usually begins with ideas about how exactly to best be of service and continue the course of developing a quality web destination that you enjoy visiting, so I am always looking and the hows and whys regarding what I see on the Internet and in the world at large, which again, are slowly becoming

one and the same.

On the social network curcuit, it could simply be a matter of my own tendencies, yet and still, what I see is a typical routine in which females, and some males as well uploading pictures to be viewed and commented on, and just like a weirdo, although it is the new normal, I ask about the reasons why, as things need to have an objective for me to see how I can make things work better.

All I can say if I had to put it together, is that other people opinions matter to most people, so I then ask about the reasons why, and to what extenet.

Technically speaking, the opinions of others can and do only matter as much to an individual as they choose to make them matter, yet since we are not all technical in our thinking, I decided to open it up for discussion, in hopes of encouraging you to find your own questions as the one thing that no one can argue about with you is in regards to what you think and how you feel, as those two elements actually comprise that interesting concept known as
The Truth.

I have been told before that it is a woman thing, and I probably will never really get it, and that for the most part is probably correct, yet I can and do observe the causes and effects, and since showbiz is the name of the game around these parts, it requires that I peep game on a more in depth level.

Since I have been exposed to different cultures around the globe, I can say for certain that beauty and appearance tend to be the primary order of business in America which could have disastrous effects on the self esteem of people who place a high value on the opinion of others.

I could see how it can simply be a part of natural order and mate selection which is why western society places such a high value on the appearances of people, yet ever since I was a kid, I have wondered where the standards come from, which may explain why I am entering this content into a box on an online magazine at this very moment.

So what makes a person believe and feel that they are ugly, pretty, fat, skinny, sexy, repulsive, and all the other associated outward characteristics? Is it their own opinion of themselves or the opinion of others in comparison to others that shape their self image?

Another benefit of being from outer space is in my unique perception of things, which causes me to question why these magazine are always visible in a place that a human being is guaranteed to frequent, which is the check out line at a grocery store.

It could be a special mission for me in Hollywood, since for whatever reason, all I really see the media as is some words and pictures on paper or a computer or television screen.

Regardless, it actually is only what you interpret it to be which is why different people see the same exact thing in different ways, like you may think Angelina is a cold piece, as do I, yet Angelina thinks that African and Asian children are beautiful as standards go, and actually has a few to keep her company while showing the world what pretty looks like and earning a nice size slice of the American Pie in the process.

In the end, again, this is just to open up a discussion to gain a greater understanding so that I can use my powers to make things better.

You have powers to use as well, and you activated them as soon as you decided to tune in, so the question again is as follows.

Other Peoples Opinions- How Much Do They Matter?

As for me, they matter a little something as I do liked to be liked on the human side by women

yet the other side that rules, is my own opinion of myself first and foremost, which just elevated due to me watching my fingers create a post within forty minutes that may very well help someone or many avoid destruction and gain enlightenment just through encouraging a self inquiry.

Works for me, and might could work for you too.
Either way, its still my thing to do, which is to say to you,
On with the show.

Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin

WHORE-O-SCOPES AND ASS-TROLOGY – The Rylaniszm New Millennium Religion/Belief System

Moving The Stars = Space Age Pimpin - Rylan Branch

Moving The Stars = Space Age Pimpin – Rylan Branch


[hawr-uh-skohp, hor‐]
1. a diagram of the heavens, showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac, for use in calculating births, foretelling events in a person’s life, etc. See illus. under zodiac.

2. a prediction of future events or advice for future behavior based on such a diagram.


1. the study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.

2. Obsolete . the science of astronomy.

A high on life perspective to consider.

@TheIlluminati – One Million Plus Follow The Illuminati On Twitter?





The Illuminati OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. Clothing Brand & Blog Activism. Look to the light. Learn from the light. FOLLOW THE LIGHT. ▲

New Jersey · thenwo.net

T.G.I.F. (Thank God It’s Freeday).
This is just a pregame warmup post for today’s and this weekends installments, as well as a mental note/verification to self that confirms a large and growing interest in subjects such as these and other different perspectives to consider.

Follow The Illuminati on Twitter @TheIlluminati if you dare!!


PRAISE THIRSTY – The Main Reason Why People Like To Post Their Status And Images Online



1. the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation.

2. the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship: a hymn of praise to God.

3. the state of being approved or admired: The king lived in praise for many years.

4. Archaic. a ground for praise, or a merit.

verb (used with object)
5. to express approval or admiration of; commend; extol.

6. to offer grateful homage to (God or a deity), as in words or song.

Updated video 1:35 PM

A praise worthy perspective to consider.

NOW BACK TO THE ECONOMY! – A Message From President Obama And O.F.A.



An economy consists of the economic system in a certain region, comprising the production, distribution or trade, and consumption of goods and services in that region or country. An economy is the total aggregate sum of all transactions of value between two agents, such as one individual to one other individual, or between groups of individual activity, such as in organizations to other organizations, and between one nation and another nation. Transactions only occur when both parties agree to the value, commonly expressed in some currency, or price. Then and only then is the sale of good or service acted on in the transaction. An economy represents the diverse activity of all agents engaged in the production of valuable goods and services for other agents in the economy.

In the past, economic activity was theorized to be bounded by natural resources, labor, and capital. This view ignores the value of technology (automation, accelerator of process, reduction of cost functions), and creativity (new products, services, processes, new markets, expands markets, diversification of markets, niche markets, increases revenue functions), especially that which produces intellectual property.

A given economy is the result of a set of processes that involves its culture, values, education, technological evolution, history, social organization, political structure and legal systems, as well as its geography, natural resource endowment, and ecology, as main factors. These factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions. Some cultures create more productive economies and function better than others, creating higher value, or GDP.

A market-based economy is where goods and services are produced without obstruction or interference, and exchanged according to demand and supply between participants (economic agents) by barter or a medium of exchange with a credit or debit value accepted within the network, such as a unit of currency and at some free market or market clearing price. Capital and labor can move freely to any area of emerging shortage, signaled by rising price, and thus dynamically and automatically relieve any such threat. Market based economies require transparency on information, such as true prices, to work, and may include various kinds of immaterial production, such as affective labor that describes work carried out that is intended to produce or modify emotional experiences in people, but does not have a tangible, physical product as a result.

A command-based economy is where a central political agent commands what is produced and how it is sold and distributed. Shortages are common problems with a command-based economy, as there is no mechanism to manage the information (prices) about the systems natural supply and demand dynamics.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy

An economic prosperity perspective to consider.

LIFE – It Can Be HARDER For Black Americans, Yet It Can Also Be EASIER For Black Americans

Helping You From Home. - Rylan Branch Tuesday July 23, 2013

Helping You From Home.
– Rylan Branch Tuesday July 23, 2013


1. the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

2. the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.

3. the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one’s life; a short life and a merry one.

4. a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life.

5. the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that.

A life changing perspective to consider.

BETTER RESULTS – Vacation As A Vocation Focus And Objectives Monday July 22, 2013



verb (used without object)
1. to spring, arise, or proceed as a consequence of actions, circumstances, premises, etc.; be the outcome.

2. to terminate or end in a specified manner or thing.

3. something that happens as a consequence; outcome.

4. Mathematics . a quantity, expression, etc., obtained by calculation.

5. Often, results. a desirable or beneficial consequence, outcome, or effect: We had definite results within weeks.


A future, present, past perspective to consider.